Thursday, January 19, 2012

An old fella

I went shopping today for food and as I approached the checkout I thought about an old joke which perfectly suited my situation. In the joke, a bloke fronts up to the checkout and presents his piece of steak, a small tub of yoghurt, two bananas, an apple and a half pound of butter. As the checkout gal is bagging his purchases she asks...'Are you single?' The customer replies....'yes, I guess you worked that out by my small purchase?' She replies...'No, it was because you're bloody ugly'.

I had a rude awakening today when I purchased a packet of envelopes at the newsagent next door to the Post Office and sent a letter to a person. Later at home I realised that I had left the package of new envelopes on the desk at the Post Office. I didn't think there was much chance of the package still being there, but returned to the PO and asked at the counter. The woman behind the counter produced the packet saying that a lady had handed it in and described the fellow who left it there as an elderly gentleman. Bugger! First time I have been described as elderly!


Jenny said...

LOL! Old man. I had to go back to a restaurant today because I had left my glasses on the table _ you are not alone.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry even the youngies do it. I was in a kitchen shop the other week and a lady had lost her mobile phone. I found it on a cake stand she had been looking at. She didn't even bother looking for it around the cake stands where she had been and tried to ring it several times but it was on silent!

Bernie said...
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Bernie said...

Sorry Kev, I was chatting on the phone the same time I was typing and messed up. Don't feel bad, I will legally be a senior in May and there have been many times someone has referenced it, it is what it is and I am okay with it.
.....Big Hugs

Paul said...

Better than being called an old geezer. :) Paul.

Anonymous said...

kev, I can think of many words to describe you and "elderly isn't one of them,. When I was young, anyone over 30 was old, On the news, anyone over 50 is described as elderly.You are as old as you feel,. Some people are old at 50 , but some 80 year olds act as if they were 40. It's how you see yourself that is important, Marg