Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Libya in suburbia

The local paper once again praises Western Australia for being the best or worst at something. This time we are the nation’s worst at merging on entering a freeway. Don’t know how they decided that, but I found this gem which may well apply to us here....’I love the sense of camaraderie when an entire line of cars team up to prevent a jerk from cutting in at the front. Stay strong, brothers and sisters!’

This afternoon I thought I was in Libya. All that was needed to make it real was a bit of gunfire. Quite close to our house was a pretty fierce bush fire which destroyed a house and damaged four others. TV channel helicopters hovered for a couple of hours filming the action as water bombing helicopters swooped low over our house en route to the fire. I don’t know where they sucked up the water, but it was black and dirty looking. The nearby Bibra Lake is as dry as an airstrip so they must have gone to other nearby almost dry lakes.

The police arson squad thinks this one was deliberately lit. The fire started just after school was dismissed for the day. Kids get bored. School holidays present lots of problems for shop owners. Say no more!


Anonymous said...

Kev Iknow what you meanabout thinking we were being envaded. 10 fire engines police cars shutting off roads . sirensblaring, and 3 water bombers , channel 7 helicopter, plus other news copters. At one point there were 3 helicopters parked on the oval next to the hotel, The water bombers must have dragged mud from the bottom of the lake because the water or sludge was black. I felt so disturbed I couldn.t get to sleep. Those pre people who lost their homes,,When is something good going to happen?all the lakes are dry and no one has a sprinkler on for the birds , i hope we get rain tomorrow as promised, when it does rain we,ll probably end up with a flood. enough complaining no one was killed in the fire and that is all that really matters, Marg

Bernie said...

Gosh the fires sound frightening, hope all has worked out and you received the rain Marg spoke about.
I am still looking at dirty snow melting, so looking forward to a warm spring rain or better yet sunshine.
Hope you and the children are doing well. I remember Joan speaking of Marg's husband on her blog. It is nice that you can share your grief with someone who knows what you are going through, you seem to be doing very well Kev, Joan would be proud knowing you are doing okay.....:-)Hugs